With money pouring into the gaming industry at absolutely insane rates, has the “peak” of invest-ability passed?  Or have we only reached the tip of the iceberg?

A WN Winter ’21 conference panel was recently posed this very question.  And their answers were quite revealing.  And for investors in the gaming space, it’s fantastic news!

Here are just a few comments:

  • “We’re at a historic point in gaming where more money is coming in than ever before, bigger than the boom year of 2016 when virtual reality got off the ground.” 
  • “I agree that the industry is maturing… the game industry was viewed for many years as a super risky industry. It wasn’t investable. Now the games are making money, and we’re keeping costs in check. Once an industry is more predictable, it is more investable. Then you can scale your operations and build things all over the world.” 
  • “…believes that the game industry is just beginning to exploit the opportunities and financial deals that lie before it. … the game industry was undervalued before and that investors have finally noticed it, because the game industry’s strong results stand out as other industries collapse. Advances such as free-to-play, subscriptions, and live operations have strengthened game companies, and now they’re ready to grow even further with a fresh injection of capital.”

Yes, this is fantastic news for gaming industry investors.  2021 will likely go down as the #1 year for investing in this booming space.  That is, until 2022, of course.  With M&A at historic levels and start-up valuations skyrocketing, we could right now be at the genesis of a truly blossoming market.

Read the entire story, and see who made those bullish comments right HERE

SOURCE: https://venturebeat.com/2021/02/12/the-deanbeat-has-the-game-industry-hit-its-peak-with-crazy-valuations-or-just-begun-its-growth