The metaverse, a digital universe where we can work, play, communicate and socialize is quickly becoming mainstream.

For gamers familiar with Fortnite and Roblox, the metaverse has been around for a while, but even for them, it’s evolving. Today, the metaverse has reached the point where everyday people, not just hard-core gamers, are enjoying a digital lifestyle that allows them to experience the world from the comfort of their own homes. The digital metaverse is growing, but it’s still in its infancy.

Although we can interact within many games, and realistically experience far-away places with VR, there is a big missing piece to the metaverse puzzle that’s about to be solved.

Living in a digital world allows us the freedom to be whoever we want to be, and be that person wherever we want to be it. We can design our avatars to look like fashion models, wearing the latest trends… living in Paris and socializing with our other digital “Parisian” counterparts. It’s a glorious escape from the real world that will one day be the norm.

Movies like Steven Spielberg’s 2018 sci-fi blockbuster, ‘Ready Player One” have explored where the metaverse can go. But as exciting as movies can make the metaverse, the digital world has its limitations. Namely, the real-world needs of human gamers.

Right now, the metaverse allows you to be that Parisian fashion model, and purchase digital attire that fits the role, but you cannot purchase or earn real-world items within the metaverse. Items like real clothes and food, and real income, for example. That task is left out of the metaverse, and up to the human experience.

However, this is about to change. Soon, a company called TCI Entertainment will launch its patented technology that allows gamers to purchase or trade real-world items, and earn real-world income inside of the metaverse.

Instead of simply buying a “skin” for your Parisian avatar, you would actually be able to purchase the real outfit, to wear in the real world. Or you could buy spicy tuna rolls from the digital sushi shop, and have them delivered to your real home – all while existing virtually inside the metaverse.

What’s better, the technology could allow gamers to create their own virtual stores inside of the metaverse, where they could earn commissions on sales of the products they carry. It’s the next great iteration of eCommerce and retail.

It could be like having your own eBay or Amazon store, inside of the metaverse. But with capabilities that reach far beyond traditional eCommerce. In fact, some have already said gamers could be digital franchisees of big, national stores, carrying and selling big brands, for potentially big commissions… all from inside of the metaverse.

If you choose to open a virtual pizzeria, one that’s connected digitally to a real-world shop, you could earn income on every meatball sub, cannoli and pepperoni pie sold and delivered to real homes.

The new technology could create a massive new class of entrepreneurs.  Gamers could open any number of stores and stock their shelves with hot real-world products that other citizens of the metaverse want to buy.

In the real world, if you’re an electrician, you can open your digital shop in the metaverse and attract others who need real-world electrical work done… marketing your real-world business to gamers in need.

It may sound fantastical, but TCI Entertainment is on the verge of bringing this technology to the marketplace. And when it does, the entire metaverse will change into an ecosphere where the digital realm becomes just as livable as the real world. And the communion of eCommerce and gaming will be complete.

Read more about how the metaverse is changing eCommerce and retail HERE
