Reports and Data, a market research firm, just released its report on the video game market titled “Video Game Market Size, Share, Trends, By Application, By Type, By End-use, and By Region Forecast to 2028

The report highlights the global video game market, which is expected to reach $317.17 billion in 2028, registering a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.9% through the study period.

Key factors in industry growth include an increase in per-capita income, an increase in smart-phone usage, a rising interest and curiosity in video games, and an increase in video game console usage.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the industry has seen record growth. With many stuck at home on lockdown, turning to alternative entertainment, the industry experienced a massive increase in users, record revenue and record M&A activity. Now, even as the pandemic lockdowns have eased, or ceased, the industry has continued its rapid growth rate.

In the first half of 2021, the industry saw a record $60 billion in total investments, nearly doubling the total for the entirety of 2020. Its now on pace to approach $100 billion in deals, investment, and M&A by years’ end.

The video game industry continues to be one of the hottest investment spaces, globally.

Among the best areas for investment are gaming startups. Big gaming companies and venture firms have injected hundreds of millions into startup companies, giving early investors, in some cases, a 10X return or better on their seed money.

Companies with unique or patented technology are among the ones targeted by the big companies now. A rush of acquisitions by larger firms has already driven up the valuations of startups, and those valuations are continuing to rise.

Expect gaming startups with patents, and their investors, to be some of the biggest winners.

Read the Reports and Data research paper, HERE

Or visit TCI Entertainment, HERE, to learn more about hot gaming companies with patents.