Apple Wins 9 of 10 Rulings in the Apple vs. Epic Saga Developers Soon Free to Use Non-Apple Transactional Services
Earlier this month, the judge in the Epic v. Apple antitrust case ruled in…
With M&A hitting 5 Year Highs, Gaming Companies Heavily Targeting Studios, Game-Tech Startups and Mobile Game Developers for Growth
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, gaming companies have seen an…
Super Mario Bros. Turns 36
Happy birthday, Mario and LuigiSuper Mario Bros, the iconic Nintendo game, just…
Jam City Buys Ludia for $165 Million:
Prepares for More Deals in Augmented Reality and NFTs
Jam City, based in Culver City California, has made its largest acquisition…
In-Game ad Revenue to Reach $56 Billion in 2024
Advertising revenue from in-game ads is expected to increase 32% to $56 billion…
Esports Entertainment Group Signs Partnership Agreement with Game Fund Partners LLC
Esports Entertainment Group, Inc. just announced an agreement with Game Fund…
Beijing Limiting Kids to 3 Hours a Week of Gaming
To crack down on “spiritual opium”, China will now limit the amount of time…
OpenPlay Acquired by Nazara For $25.4 Million
Nazara Technologies, has announced a 100% interest in OpenPlay, of Hyderabad,…
Netflix Jumps in Gaming: Will Run Two Gaming Title Trials in Poland
Last month, Netflix announced its intention to go full-steam into video game…
Apple To Ease App Store Transaction Rules Pre-empting Epic Judgement
Apple iPhone users, and users of all Apple iOS operating systems, who download…